
Welcome to your M州 stores!

大发彩票平台校园商店有你上课需要准备的物品, 包括教科书, 计算机软件, 工具, supplies 和 M州 apparel! Check here for textbook purchasing information.

校园商店也接受学费和其他支付给学校的款项. Cash, checks, MasterCard, Visa 和 Discover are accepted. Regular operating hours for each store are listed below, 每学期的第一周会有延长的上课时间.

Visit our campus store web网站 

电子邮件: CampusStore@uc1112.com




Address: 900 Highway 34 East, 底特律的湖泊, MN 56501
电话: 218.846.3727
Regular 和 summer hours: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 周一至周四


Address: 1414 College Way, 费格斯瀑布, MN 56537
电话: 218.736.1556
Regular 和 summer hours: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 周一至周四


地址:1900 28大街. S,摩尔黑德,明尼苏达州56560
电话: 218.299.6570; Fax: 218.299.6861
Regular 和 summer hours: 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. 星期一至星期五


地址:科尔法克斯大街405号. SW, Wadena, MN 56482
电话: 218.631.7825
Regular 和 summer hours: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. 周一至周四




How can I sell my books?

学生 can sell their books back anytime through the 图书回购链接. If you have questions, call or email your campus store.


教科书回购. 4月22日- 5月3日. 上午9点到下午3点. 需要学生证.
How do I return my books if I am a PSEO student?

PSEO学生将收到一封来自学院的信,其中包含如何归还大学书籍的信息. Please return your books as quickly as possible following your exams. If you have questions, email PSEO@uc1112.com

How do I return my rented books?

所有租用教科书的学生将收到一封有关租金退还的电子邮件. Rented books can be returned to any campus bookstore or mailed to:

底特律的湖泊, MN 56501

If you have questions, call or email your campus store.

How can I purchase my textbooks for summer term?

夏季图书销售将于5月2日开始,学生们可以在6月7日之前将图书记入自己的账户. 如果使用信用卡购买书籍,可以在收费期后订购. 唯一不能记入学生账户的项目是食物和衣服.

How can I charge to my account?

During the summer charging period (May 2nd-June 7th). 您可以通过在结帐时的信用卡下拉框中选择“财务援助/PSEO/第三方收费”向您的学生帐户收费.

How long will it take to get my books?

运输时间各不相同. Orders are processed as they are received. 当您的图书发货时,您将收到一封带有UPS跟踪号码的电子邮件. 如果你在学校书店亲自取书,你会收到一条短信,当你准备好取书的时候.

What is an inclusive access book?

Inclusive access is available for select M州 courses. If a class lists inclusive access as the book option, 所需材料将通过D2L Brightspace的课程链接以电子方式提供. The link is available one day prior to the start of the course. The cost of inclusive access is charged to your student account, 和 no purchase is necessary from the bookstore. The price for materials is lower than the normal purchase price. You do have the option to opt out of inclusive access. 在本学期的前五天,D2L Brightspace页面上有一个选择退出的功能.

Will a used book be in good condition?


Are used books available for all classes?

我们尽可能多地购买二手书,但并非所有班级都能买到. Once our used book stock is depleted, we will substitute new books.

Can I return my books for a refund?

夏季学期的图书可以在5月13日之前退回退款. Purchases will not be refunded after that date. You will need your receipt to return a book. Books are not returnable if plastic shrink wrap has been removed.

Where can I find my student ID number?


Locating course material requirements


1. 在线, you can access the list from the 课程表 页面. Locate the course you are taking, 和 click on it. 在页面的底部将是当前所需项目的列表, optional or recommended for the course.


In an effort to encourage student persistence 和 success, M州立校园商店允许注册的学生在开放收费期间收取所有的教科书和学习用品. 只有在课程要求的情况下,学生才可以收取服装费用.



Books will be available three weeks prior to the semester's start. If you would like to charge to your student account, 收费期从学期开始前三周开始,到上课第一周结束. 有关学期收费期或其他重要日期,请访问M州 业务服务 web网站.

How to purchase your books


To purchase your books:

  • 登录你的 SpartanNet帐户
  • Scroll down to "Your Class Schedule" 和 click "Buy Your Books"


VIDEO: How to Order Books

Inclusive access program

M州立书店为精选课程提供包容性访问. 注册学生可以通过D2L Brightspace网站上的链接以电子方式获得这些课程所需的材料. The link becomes available one day prior to the start of the course. 课程材料的费用记在你的学生账户上,不需要从书店购买. The price for the materials is lower than the normal purchase price. Book requirements 和 fee information can be found on the 课程表 网站. 看到 Locating course material requirements section for more information.

参加包容性访问课程的学生可以选择退出包容性访问计划. 在本学期的前五天,每个课程的D2L Brightspace页面都有一个选择退出的功能, 和 for late-start courses on the first day of the course only. 如果您选择退出,费用将退还,并且您将无法访问这些材料. 请注意,课程材料是成功完成课程所必需的.

对于那些喜欢用纸质书来搭配数字材料的学生, 将有一个活页版本的文本可通过书店在线购买.

书店 return policy

大发彩票平台的书店退货政策可以在学生政策部分找到 College Organization 和 Administrative Policies 网页.




To access the online program click on the link below.


American Opportunity Tax Credit

根据奥巴马总统于2009年2月签署的《大发彩票网全部平台》(ARRA), 2009年及以后发生的课本及其他教材费用, 和 not covered by scholarship or grant aid, may be used as a tax credit on that year's income tax return.

For more information, visit American Opportunity Tax Credit.

还记得, 学生需要保存书店收据作为购买教科书的证明,才有资格获得免税. M州立书店不复制或重印任何以前的收据.


为了更及时地支付,我们鼓励学生注册直接存款. 要注册,请登录 SpartanNet. 点击 eServices上, 金融援助存款设置.

非直接存款在校生和在校学生, 助学金和其他超额开支支票从校内书店分发. Issued checks can be picked up in the bookstore 带照片的身份证. To see whether a check is available, log into SpartanNet > eServices>Bills & Payments>Account Detail>Show All Detail. Any disbursements are dated 和 will have the description 支付给学生的款项.

没有注册直接存款和在线课程的学生将把他们的支票邮寄到他们的本地地址存档. 如果没有提供本地地址,将使用档案中的永久地址. To review your address on file, login to SpartanNet. 任何更改都应使用M州的地址更改表格提交 表单页面.



M州's bookstores now offer the option of textbook rental. Textbooks eligible for rent may vary by store 和 semester. Rental fees can be charged to student accounts against financial aid, payment plans 和 other types of funding. For more information, see M州's Textbook Rental Agreement.
